Leveraging AI to Build Innovative Brands: Use Case - Part 2 of 5

Leveraging AI to Build Innovative Brands: Use Case - Part 2 of 5

Leveraging AI to Build Innovative Brands: Use Case - Part 2 of 5

Considering a new brand to better represent our AI expertise, we plan to depart from our decade-old, generic ‘System in Motion’ name. We will use generative AI to suggest unique, protectable brand names.

In this series of five articles, we will attempt to build a new brand identity. We will see how much AI can help us, analyze mistakes in our prompts, and learn more about how to leverage AI in creative processes.

Disclaimer: we are not branding experts; we are exploring this field through our company’s journey. We don’t advocate replacing branding agencies. Many companies don’t have the budget or access to professional agencies. These companies can benefit from generative AI.

In the first article of the series, we covered the basic of establishing a brand. When we started, we only had our Purpose, Mission Statement, and our Core Values. In three prompts we established the following:

Target Audience: Executives and managers of medium to large companies, who need to optimize the efficiency of their knowledge workers.

Brand Personality and Voice: Professional, reliable, and visionary.

Visual Identity: Clean, strong, and modern designs.

The next step in the process, as highlighted by our AI-powered branding coach, is the competitor’s analysis.

Competitor Analysis in a New Market

This is another area of weakness. We have always struggled to find our competitors. As generative AI consulting services and training is very new, there are a lot of new comers on the market, and there is very little established offering. How will we conduct this competitor analysis? Let’s ask our branding consultant.

Prompt 4

Give me the three simplest way to identify competitors in this very new offering. How can we easily identify companies going after the same audience, with a similar purpose, that our target customer could use as an alternative solution? What information is required to make that search efficient?


Identifying competitors in a new market segment can be challenging but crucial for understanding your competitive landscape and refining your brand strategy. Here are three straightforward methods to identify potential competitors:

  1. Market Research:
  • Keyword Searches: Use keywords related to your offering to search on Google and other search engines. Look for companies that appear in search results, advertisements, and featured snippets.
  • Industry Reports and Publications: Access industry reports from firms like Gartner, Forrester, or specific industry publications that might list key players and emerging companies in your sector.
  • Information Required: You’ll need a clear understanding of your product/service keywords, industry terms, and possibly subscription access to industry report databases.
  1. Social Media and Professional Networks:
  • LinkedIn: Use LinkedIn to search for companies using industry keywords. Check profiles of companies and key personnel (like CEOs or CTOs) for mentions of services similar to yours.
  • Twitter/Instagram: Search for hashtags related to your industry or offering. Companies actively promoting their solutions will likely use relevant hashtags.
  • Information Required: Keywords related to your service, awareness of leading industry hashtags, and an understanding of which platforms your industry peers are most active on.
  1. Trade Shows and Conferences:
  • Attend Industry Events: Whether virtual or in-person, industry events are great for learning about competitors. Review the list of speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors, as these are often direct competitors or operate in adjacent spaces.
  • Webinars and Online Panels: Many companies participate in online forums and discussions. Attend these to see which companies are leading the conversation around topics pertinent to your offering.
  • Information Required: Event schedules, speaker lists, and exhibitor information. Keeping an eye on the agenda of these events can also provide insights into which companies are focusing on similar problems or solutions.

By employing these methods, you can efficiently gather a list of competitors and analyze their offerings, market positioning, and target audience alignment. This will enable you to refine your branding and marketing strategies to better compete in your specific market segment.

Competitors and Unique Value Proposition

We found three categories of competitors:

  • Professional education institution, the most prestigious ones, have AI trainings for developer, for managers, and even for executives. We cannot compete with their brand, their resources, and their access to research talents. Our AI Trainings have to face competition. We need to reinforce the positive feedback from the participants, and put forward very detailed curriculum information. Most AI training program have vague descriptions that do not clearly define the content.
  • Very large consulting company, who publish a lot of articles on AI Transformation. They have good methodology, and have been engaging with many large corporate around the world already. We don’t have their resources or their brand image. But, browsing through their website, we noticed they don’t have any customer testimony. A possible differentiation, for us, will be to bet on our agility to come out with success stories as fast as possible.
  • We then looked for AI Accelerators. We found, as expected, that these programs are meant only for early stage start-up. We could not find a similar program for established companies who want to hire their first AI. Clearly stating that our AI Accelerator is for mature business looking to invite their first AI and explore new business models, will differentiate it from the market.

Social Media

On social media we found many events, and webinars. We could not attend all events, but discussing with some of our partner we hear consistent comments:

  • Most AI event explain that AI is going to change the world, but very few keynote speakers explain how.
  • Very few keynote speakers come with success stories.
  • The few webinars who present specific use cases are very narrow. They cover one narrow aspect of video creation or copy writing.

Trade Shows

  • AI related trade shows give the floor to the companies creating the models, selling hardware, deploying infrastructure. These are not our competitors, as we position ourselves on the service part of the value chain.
  • On industry trade shows, not dedicated to AI, AI is always a topic. I have been a keynote speaker in some of them, and I see very large interest to the way we describe the potential of generative AI. All the use cases, and success stories we share always have a deep impact and resonate with the audience.


There are four elements that we need to put forward to differenciate ourselves:

  • Clearly list the content of our trainings with many details, to establish the credibility of our content.
  • Publish as many success stories as fast as possible, to show that our methodology lead to benefits with our customers.
  • Clearly position our AI Accelerator to target mature non-tech companies, looking to hire their first AI.
  • Continue to attend non-AI trade shows and event, to present our purpose, methodology, and success stories.

Based on these conclusion, we moved to the next branding element in our list.

Brand Promise

Prompt 5

Our market study led us to reinforce the following four differentiating factors:

Our AI training content is dense, detailed, and valuable.

We publish more success stories than our competitors.

Our AI Accelerator is targeted at existing companies, willing to pay us to hire their first AI.

All our keynotes are well received, as we are amongst the few to clearly explain how AI will change companies.

Based on these elements, what is our brand promise?


Based on the differentiating factors you’ve identified from your market study, your brand promise revolves around delivering high-quality, impactful, and transformative AI solutions that empower existing businesses. Here’s a refined version of your brand promise that encapsulates these elements:

“Empowering Your Business with AI Mastery: Unleash the full potential of artificial intelligence through our dense, detailed, and valuable training content, proven success stories, and expert guidance tailored for established companies ready to integrate their first AI solutions. Experience clarity and insight on AI’s transformative impact with our acclaimed keynotes, designed to drive your business forward.”

This brand promise highlights:

Quality and Depth of Content: Your AI training is not just comprehensive; it’s rich in quality and detail, setting you apart as a leader in providing valuable AI education.

Proven Success: You don’t just talk about potential; you demonstrate real-world success stories, building trust and credibility.

Targeted Solutions: Your services are specifically designed for existing companies that are serious about integrating AI into their operations, which positions you as a specialized provider.

Clarity and Leadership in Communication: Your ability to clearly explain the transformative effects of AI positions you as a thought leader in the industry.

This promise should be consistently communicated across all your marketing channels and customer touchpoints to reinforce your brand’s unique value and build a strong, loyal customer base.

All brand elements

At that point, I would like a summary of all the brand elements we have accumalated. I just need to ask.

Prompt 6

Based all the previous step, give a summary of all our brand elements in a table.


Certainly! Below is a table summarizing the key brand elements based on the differentiating factors you’ve identified. This will help ensure consistency across all your branding and marketing efforts.

Brand Element Description
Brand Promise Empowering businesses with AI mastery through high-quality training, proven success, and expert guidance tailored for established companies.
Brand Positioning A leader in AI education and integration for existing companies seeking to adopt their first AI solutions.
Target Audience Established companies across various industries looking to integrate AI into their operations.
Differentiating Factor 1. Dense, detailed, and valuable AI training content.
Differentiating Factor 2. Numerous success stories.
Differentiating Factor 3. AI Accelerator targeted at existing companies.
Differentiating Factor 4. Clear and well-received keynotes on AI’s impact on business.
Brand Values Quality, Trust, Clarity, Leadership, and Transformation.
Brand Voice Authoritative, Insightful, Clear, and Empowering.
Brand Personality Professional, Innovative, Trusted, and Educative.
Visual Identity High-tech, clean, and professional design elements with a focus on clarity and impact.
Key Message - Master AI with our in-depth training.
Key Message - See real success with our proven case studies.
Key Message - Tailored AI integration for your established business.
Key Message - Understand the future of AI in business with our expert keynotes.

This table serves as a comprehensive guide to ensure that all aspects of your brand are aligned and communicated effectively to your target audience. It encapsulates the essence of what makes your brand unique and valuable in the competitive AI landscape.

Next Step

In just two prompts, we were able to get all the missing elements in our brand identity. In addition, all these elements have been realigned to be consistent with each other. There will be some manual adjustment in some of the wording, but it is already 90% done, and way faster than we would have been able to do ourselves.

We have all the elements we need to look for a new name. We are very excited about that about moving on to the next step and we will cover this in our next article . We will try and come out with brand names that resonate with all the branding elements we have accumulated. Register to our newsletter to get the next article in your mailbox.


The above answers were generated by gpt4-turbo, running on azure infrastructure, using our internal web application.

We are Here to Help

At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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