Industry of the Future Working Group: Unlock the promise of Industrial AI

Industry of the Future Working Group: Unlock the promise of Industrial AI

Industry of the Future Working Group: Unlock the promise of Industrial AI

On April 10th, CCIFC Shanghai hosted a great event on Industry of the Future Working Group.

Stephane’s Keynote

Our CEO, Stephane Monsallier, was one of the event’s keynote speaker. And present the topic on Empower our daily work by GenAI. Stephane presented on our company’s experience with Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology, a cutting-edge AI model that is revolutionizing the way knowledge workers operate.

Stephane began by explaining the concept of GPT and how it enhances the efficiency, productivity, and accuracy of tasks performed by knowledge workers. He shared how GPT assists in everything from drafting emails to writing reports and managing data via prompt engineering, thus saving valuable time and resources. His talk was filled with practical examples from our own company’s journey, offering the audience a real-world perspective of implementing and leveraging this transformative technology.

Francois’ Keynote

The lead architect of archetype, Francois Corvi shared how they optimise the work flow of design process and reduced tons of the time for the designing project. The AI has been working with them on the concept designing progress.

Bruno’s Keynote

The CEO of Blue Bee, Bruno Lhopiteau, shared how GenAI help them to build a whole smart maintenance project for every customer and that can saving a lot of time and cost to support project running smoothly.

Full replay below:

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At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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