System In Motion's Guillaume Mallet Enlightens Future Leaders at BNU-HKBU United International College on Generative AI

System In Motion's Guillaume Mallet Enlightens Future Leaders at BNU-HKBU United International College on Generative AI

System In Motion's Guillaume Mallet Enlightens Future Leaders at BNU-HKBU United International College on Generative AI

In a recent lecture at the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), Guillaume Mallet, Account Manager at System In Motion, imparted his knowledge on Generative AI and its influence on the professional sphere. The lecture, coordinated by Professor Dr. Youssef Elhaoussine, was attended by approximately 60 students who were keen to understand the future role of AI in their respective domains.

UIC, a collaborative initiative between Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University, is the pioneer in full-scale cooperation in higher education between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. The institution is dedicated to promoting the internationalization of Chinese higher education and leading liberal arts education in China.

Guillaume’s presentation, which spanned about 45 minutes, was split into two primary sections. The first section emphasized how professionals can augment their work with the assistance of AI. He demonstrated this by showing examples of business processes that have been improved with AI. The second part of the lecture explored the pyramid model of AI displacing business models and jobs.

The students were extremely engaged, realizing that by the time they finish their studies, the professional landscape will have drastically transformed due to AI. They expressed a mix of apprehension and enthusiasm at the idea of those who master AI tools making a substantial difference in the world.

The concluding 15 minutes of the lecture were allocated to a question and answer session. The students, keen to comprehend how they can adjust to the new AI-driven landscape, asked several questions. This interaction further underscored the significance of AI knowledge in the evolving professional world.

System In Motion, through Mallet’s lecture, showcased its role as a motivating entity in the world of AI for business. The company is dedicated to assisting professionals and students alike to understand and harness the power of AI to enhance their work and prepare for the future.

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At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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