How to Onboard Employees into WeChat Work?

How to Onboard Employees into WeChat Work?

How to Onboard Employees into WeChat Work?

WeChat Work (aka WeCom) is an Enterprise messaging application developed by Tencent based on its successful older brother WeChat. It provides companies a way to organize and control internal instant messaging, empowering your company to improve customer relationships.

Deploying WeChat work will protect the company from abusive or unprofessional behavior happening today in WeChat. It is important to note that this monitor can also shield the employee, as long as their conduct is professional, ethical, and compliant. If the client’s behavior is abusive, WeChat Work is an excellent tool to protect a loyal employee.

But first of all, you need to know how to onboard your employees into your WeChat Work.

Give your Employees the Benefits to Onboard

Employees should get on board quickly into WeChat Work as soon as your company decides to deploy it. But it may not be easy to implement for the following reason:

  • The barrier between professional and personal contacts is often blurry,
  • All their connections are in WeChat today, so they will have to transfer them,
  • Any change in tools or processes requires some adjustments,
  • The company can monitor all conversations in WeChat Work group-chat.

For your employees, there are several reasons for embracing your WeChat Work. They need to know what are the benefits:

  • Using WeChat Work is a promise of clear separation between their work and their personal communications.
  • Quick access to critical information and documentation,
  • A modern mobile portal always available,
  • They won’t have to advance cash by themselves anymore.

Moving Contacts from WeChat to WeChat work

Tencent has made it very easy to move contacts from WeChat to WeChat Work. WeChat Work will send an invitation to your WeChat contact and take care of the rest. The only two things left to do are:

  • add a company name under the customer profile, which will group all contacts from the same company automatically, without the need for tagging them,
  • recreate the customer groups inside WeChat Work, with customers and colleagues.

In case one of your clients is also using WeChat Work, you can add their WeChat Work account instead. As it gains traction, professional conservations happen between WeChat Work accounts.

The transition from WeChat to WeChat Work is an excellent occasion to do a complete review of dormant accounts, old contacts and keep everything fresh.

The Blurry Barrier Between Professional and Personal Life

Moving a contact from WeChat to WeChat Work does not break the existing relationship in WeChat. So it is possible to have professional and personal discussions with the same person. But to take full advantage of the solution means that professional relationships will start directly in WeChat Work. The application provides a specific QR Code to include in powerpoints, business cards, email signatures, and brochures.

Using WeChat & WeChat Work together covers all possible scenarios: working with friends or becoming friends with clients.

Change Management

The deployment of WeChat Work in a company requires planning and support. The look is different so that users won’t get mixed between the two applications, but the user experience is very similar.

So the support required is not into using the tool itself but into how to make the best use of it and be more efficient. So the question is will WeChat Work make employees more efficient. The short answer is no, if they use it exactly as WeChat, because they will have to juggle between the two applications during the transition period.

To be more efficient with WeChat Work requires deploying new features and new processes. We will cover this topic in the next article on adding customization to WeChat Work.

When the Carrot is also a Stick

One of WeChat Work’s many features is that it comes with Office Automation (OA) tools. The default tools cover what most companies need, leaving application and expense reimbursement at the top of the list.

When a company decides to use WeChat Work to process its leave application, it has several effects:

  1. the leave application is digitalized, without much effort,
  2. every employee will have to use WeChat Work unless they don’t want to apply for leave anymore,

While the company is still experimenting with WeChat Work, while the onboarding of the customer is still a work in progress, while the integration with internal tools may take some time, every employee will get on board immediately once it is clear that WeChat Work will be the only way to apply for leave.

We are Here to Help

At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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