
Five Things Every CEO Should Know About Generative AI Five Things Every CEO Should Know About Generative AI

Five Things Every CEO Should Know About Generative AI

Generative AI has been making waves in the business world, not just because of its impressive capabilities, but also due to its potential for transforming various industries. As a CEO, it’s crucial to understand this technology’s ins and outs. Here are five things every CEO should know about Generative AI.

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The Human Touch in AI The Human Touch in AI

The Human Touch in AI

Introduction to Generative AI In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI has emerged as a frontier in content creation, including image generation. While this technology has proven to be a game-changer, it’s important to remember that the successful application of generative AI requires the human touch, both at the beginning and at the end of the process.

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Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering

Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering

The rise of AI has opened up new opportunities for knowledge workers across the globe. One such opportunity is Prompt Engineering, a technique used to instruct AI models to perform specific tasks. Understanding Prompt Engineering can empower you as a knowledge worker, especially if you’re part of a multinational company. Here’s why:

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为什么你应该学习提示词 为什么你应该学习提示词


人工智能的兴起为全球知识工作者开辟了新的机遇。其中一个机会是提示词工程,这是一种用于指导人工智能模型执行特定任务的技术。了解提示词工程可以让你成为一名知识工作者,尤其是当你是跨国公司的一员时。原因如下: 通过自动化提高生产力 提示词工程使您能够自动化日常任务。有了正确的提示,人工智能模型可以代表您生成报告、分析数据,甚至起草电子邮件。这种自动化可以腾出时间专注于需要您专业知识的任务,从而提高生产力。 用数据分析增强决策 在跨国公司中,决策往往需要快速做出,并基于大量数据。提示词工程可以帮助您更有效地筛选这些数据。通过用正确的提示指导人工智能模型,您可以从复杂的数据集中提取见解,提高决策的速度和质量。 促进跨文化交流 跨国公司在不同的文化和语言背景下运作。提示词工程可以促进跨这些环境的沟通。例如,您可以使用提示指示人工智能模型将电子邮件或其他文档翻译成不同的语言,从而弥合组织中的沟通差距。 改善客户体验 提示词工程也可用于改善客户体验。您可以设计提示,指导人工智能模型对客户查询提供个性化建议或响应。这不仅能提高客户满意度,还能提升贵公司的声誉。 提升就业能力 在不断发展的数字环境中,保持相关性是保持就业能力的关键。在人工智能主导的未来,学习即时工程可以显著提高你的职业前景。 随需应变技能 使用提示词工程有效指导人工智能模型的能力正在成为各行业的一项需求技能。公司越来越认识到员工的价值,他们可以利用人工智能的力量来推动效率和创新。通过掌握提示词工程,您将自己定位在这一趋势的前沿,使您成为任何组织的宝贵资产。 多才多艺 提示词工程不是特定于行业的。它的应用跨越了各个行业,使其成为一种多功能技能,可以提高你在各种角色和行业中的就业能力。无论你是在市场营销、财务、人力资源还是IT领域,了解提示词工程都可以为你打开新的机会。 未来证明你的职业生涯 随着人工智能的不断发展并渗透到业务的各个方面,掌握提示词工程将确保您的技能在未来的就业市场中保持相关性。它可以帮助你的职业生涯经得起未来考验,让你在日益人工智能驱动的世界中具有竞争优势。 提高问题解决能力 提示词工程还可以提高您解决问题的技能。制作有效的提示需要对手头的问题有深入的理解、战略思维和创造力。这些都是有价值的可转移技能,所有雇主都很欣赏并寻求这些技能。 总之,提示词工程为跨国公司的知识工作者提供了丰富的福利。从提高生产力和提高决策能力到促进跨文化沟通和改善客户体验,这项技能可以真正改变你的工作方式。为什么要等待呢?立即使用提示词工程开始您的旅程。

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Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French) Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French)

Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French)

AI in China in Spring 2023 In the Spring of 2023, Stephane Monsallier, Founder and CEO of System In Motion, was interviewed by Raphael Seghier for the podcast Sesame Asie. With 30 years of experience in technology, Monsallier discussed the impact of new AI technologies emerging in China since the country reopened its doors.

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Pernod Ricard China-Journey of Innovation Pernod Ricard China-Journey of Innovation

Pernod Ricard China-Journey of Innovation

In order to adapt to the fast growing and ever-changing market environment in China, Pernod Ricard China had taken it upon themselves to be the leader of innovation in their industry. They were one of the first spirits & wine companies to leverage the QR code technology for product traceability to gain in-depth insights into their product distribution channels, achieving great success in their battle against Grey Market Activities ( unauthorized cross regions distributions). And thanks to the possibilities of this technology bring, for the first time in history as a strictly B2B brand, Pernod Ricard China achieved in building direct engagement channels with the end consumers leveraging that technology. System in Motion is proud to be part of that journey.

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