
WeChat Work - Bring internal tools to the next level WeChat Work - Bring internal tools to the next level

WeChat Work - Bring internal tools to the next level

WeChat Work is an Enterprise messaging application developed by Tencent based on its successful older brother WeChat. It provides companies a way to organize and control internal instant messaging communication as well as the promise for employees of setting a boundary between work and personal communication.

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Data Lie Detectors - 7 Ways to Spot and Stop Data Lie Detectors - 7 Ways to Spot and Stop

Data Lie Detectors - 7 Ways to Spot and Stop

Companies collect, store, process, and analyze data to make decisions. But the data is lying, the decision may not be the best, despite great care and effort. Why would data lie to you? There are many reasons why the data is lying. That could be the result of one of several mistakes at any stage of the process. That could be conscious or unconscious bias from one of the actors of the processing chain. There could be an agenda behind the data manipulation, or it could be an unfortunate coincidence. As companies are more and more data-driven, there is a tension between automating as much as possible the data management and processing, and the need for a bit of caution. There is a strong incentive to trust the data, but there should be a healthy suspicion about the data. Data must be treated as questionable until proven trustworthy. The issues with implementing this strategy are:

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