
The Human Touch in AI The Human Touch in AI

The Human Touch in AI

Introduction to Generative AI In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI has emerged as a frontier in content creation, including image generation. While this technology has proven to be a game-changer, it’s important to remember that the successful application of generative AI requires the human touch, both at the beginning and at the end of the process.

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Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering

Why you Should Learn Prompt Engineering

The rise of AI has opened up new opportunities for knowledge workers across the globe. One such opportunity is Prompt Engineering, a technique used to instruct AI models to perform specific tasks. Understanding Prompt Engineering can empower you as a knowledge worker, especially if you’re part of a multinational company. Here’s why:

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Empowering Knowledge Workers with AI Empowering Knowledge Workers with AI

Empowering Knowledge Workers with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in many industries, and it is fast becoming a reality for many knowledge workers. Organizations must understand how to best integrate AI to empower their employees. The knowledge worker is a vital asset in any company, and AI can help empower these workers by providing them with the information they need to make better decisions, faster, and focus their energy on higher value creation tasks.

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Do you need an Architect? Do you need an Architect?

Do you need an Architect?

We have helped many clients with the modernization of their Information Systems, which usually involves transformation projects and a clear business direction. It also requires a strong drive on the overall architecture. Without it, there is a high probability of ending up in the same situation within a few years: needing modernization.

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How Can Corporates Leverage Software Prototyping? How Can Corporates Leverage Software Prototyping?

How Can Corporates Leverage Software Prototyping?

Building a software solution can be expensive. A prototype can save time and money by delivering the right solution to solve the right problem. This agile software development method is more and more popular in startups but rarely used in corporate projects. It can deliver outstanding results in corporate projects.

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How Process Mining Facilitates Operational Efficiency? How Process Mining Facilitates Operational Efficiency?

How Process Mining Facilitates Operational Efficiency?

Process Mining is a family of data science technics and process management to support operational processes based on event logs. This article reviews the main advantages of using process mining to facilitate an operational efficiency project. process mining will typically be used as the first step of an operational efficiency project.

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