Leveraging AI to Build Innovative Brands: Use Case - Part 5 of 5

Leveraging AI to Build Innovative Brands: Use Case - Part 5 of 5
Considering a new brand to better represent our AI expertise, we plan to depart from our decade-old, generic ‘System in Motion’ name. We will use generative AI to suggest unique, protectable brand names.
In this series of five articles, we will attempt to build a new brand identity. We will see how much AI can help us, analyze mistakes in our prompts, and learn more about how to leverage AI in creative processes.
Disclaimer: we are not branding experts; we are exploring this field through our company’s journey. We don’t advocate replacing branding agencies. Many companies don’t have the budget or access to professional agencies. These companies can benefit from generative AI.
In the first and second articles of the series, we covered the basics of establishing a brand. When we started, we only had our Purpose, Mission Statement, and our Core Values. In six prompts we established, in great detail, all our new brand elements .
In our third article , we tried and failed to generate a new brand name. All brand names we came up with were taken and impossible to trademark. In our fourth article , we broke down the brand name creation in smaller steps, with human intervention in between.
Next Attempt
The next task we will give to our model is to generate names from the following syllables: Ax, Ai, Biz, Clar, Exp, Inno, Int, Lead, Pro, Qual, Sight, Tech, Trans, Tru, Val. We will use Tree of Thought again , to explore the space of possible brand names. We may have to run the process several time to get good candidates.
Prompt 8B
We need a new brand name for our company, as we have significantly changed our focus. Taking into account the brand element listed above, we will go through these steps:
Step 1: ten branding experts will create new brand names candidates using the following syllables: Ax, Ai, Biz, Clar, Exp, Inno, Int, Lead, Pro, Qual, Sight, Tech, Trans, Tru, Val.
Step 2: the chief branding officer will then review the brands, without looking at the brand elements, and try to guess, only with the brand name, what this company is doing.
Step 3: we will select the winning brand based on how closely the chief branding officer's prediction matches the actual company mission and value proposition.
Run this process for me.
Certainly! Let’s start with Step 1, where we generate new brand name candidates using the provided syllables. Here are ten potential brand names created by our branding experts:
- AxInnoTech
- AiProLead
- BizQualSight
- ClarTrans
- ExpIntTech
- InnoBizVal
- IntProTru
- LeadQual
- ProSightAI
- TechTruVal
Now, let’s move on to Step 2, where the chief branding officer will review these brand names and try to guess what the company does based solely on the names.
Chief Branding Officer’s Predictions:
- AxInnoTech: A company focused on innovative technology solutions.
- AiProLead: A professional AI leadership and training company.
- BizQualSight: A business quality and insight consultancy.
- ClarTrans: A company specializing in clear transformation processes.
- ExpIntTech: A company offering expert integrated technology solutions.
- InnoBizVal: An innovative business value consultancy.
- IntProTru: A professional and trusted integration service.
- LeadQual: A leadership and quality training company.
- ProSightAI: A professional AI insights and training company.
- TechTruVal: A technology company focused on trust and value.
Step 3: Selection of the Winning Brand Based on the chief branding officer’s predictions, we will select the brand name that most closely matches the actual company mission and value proposition, which is empowering businesses with AI mastery through high-quality training, proven success, and expert guidance tailored for established companies.
Winning Brand Name: ProSightAI
Reasoning: The chief branding officer’s prediction for “ProSightAI” was “A professional AI insights and training company,” which closely aligns with your brand’s focus on AI mastery, high-quality training, and expert guidance.
Would you like to proceed with “ProSightAI” as your new brand name, or would you like to explore more options or iterations?
Iterative process
As a brand name, it will be used as a word, so we need to remove the capitals to get a better sense: Prosightai.
Four more rounds, prompting “One more time” gave us:
- Leadexpai,
- Proinnolead,
- Aimasterpro,
- Primeaimaster
Memory loss
One the fourth round, we got master, excellence, and innovate sneaking in in the brand names. That is because we had passed the memory window of the model. It was not operating on our original prompt, because it has lost its memory. Which also means that it had lost all our brand elements. It was using only the previous rounds. When you notice that, you need to clear your conversation and get back to the beginning.
In our case, because the answers are so long, the memory loss can happen quickly (4 rounds in the above run). So we put back everything together in a single prompt: brand elements and tree of thought, so we avoid memory losses.
This time, we got consistent results, through more rounds:
- Probizai,
- Qualbizai,
- Claraiqual,
- Clarintai,
Final adjustments
Looking at the results, we refined what worked and what did not work. We added and removed syllables, adding constraints, to get to what we wanted
The main changes were:
- Added a step to shuffle the list of syllables, to create more variety,
- We impose AI to be the last syllable,
- We added Eff (for efficiency),
- We remove Val, Lead, and Qual,
- We decreased to five branding experts,
That gave us:
- Biztechai,
- Innotechai,
- Innoleadai,
- Innoproai,
- Truproai,
- Truleadai,
- Innoleadai (a second time),
- Truleadai (a second time),
- Innotruai,
Name Availability
A quick web search, will let us know if we have generated names that have a chance to be trademark and registered. It is not enough reasearch, but it is a first way to eliminate names from our list. Biztechai does not seem to exist, but a search leads to Biztech magazine. Innotechai is already taken by a SaaS company. Innoleadai does not seem to exist, but a search leads to Innovation Leader. Innoproai is an AI tool developed by Innocreativity. Truproai does not seem to exist, but a search leads to trupeer.ai Truleadai is already taken by a training company. Innotruai leads to absolutely no result on a search engine. This is a good candidate.
Next Steps
The job the AI is done.
We will continue to run our last prompt (see below) as many times as we need to get five or six available names. Ultimatly, the decision on the name will made by humans. There is too much cultural background that generative AI cannot capture. To me Biztechai sounds like bistecca, the Italian word for beefsteak.
Final Prompt
Our final prompt, which incorporate every element needed, and can generate some unique names, is this:
Our brand elements are:
Brand Element Description
Brand Promise Empowering businesses with AI mastery through high-quality training, proven success, and expert guidance tailored for established companies.
Brand Positioning A leader in AI education and integration for existing companies seeking to adopt their first AI solutions.
Target Audience Established companies across various industries looking to integrate AI into their operations.
Differentiating Factors
1. Dense, detailed, and valuable AI training content.
2. Numerous success stories.
3. AI Accelerator targeted at existing companies.
4. Clear and well-received keynotes on AI's impact on business.
Brand Values Quality, Trust, Clarity, Leadership, and Transformation.
Brand Voice Authoritative, Insightful, Clear, and Empowering.
Brand Personality Professional, Innovative, Trusted, and Educative.
Visual Identity High-tech, clean, and professional design elements with a focus on clarity and impact.
Key Messages - Master AI with our in-depth training.
See real success with our proven case studies.
Tailored AI integration for your established business.
Understand the future of AI in business with our expert keynotes
We need a new brand name for our company, as we have significantly changed our focus. Taking into account the brand element listed above, we will go through these steps:
Step 1: shuffle this list of syllables randomly: Ax, Biz, Clar, Eff, Exp, Inno, Int, Lead, Pro, Sight, Tech, Trans, Tru.
Step 2: five branding experts will create new brand names candidates using the shuffled list. The last syllable of the brand name must be ai.
Step 3: the chief branding officer will then review the brands, without looking at the brand elements, and try to guess, only with the brand name, what this company is doing.
Step 4: we will select the winning brand based on closely the chief branding officer's prediction matches the actual company mission and value proposition.
Run this process for me.
Through this process, here are our key learnings:
- Without being branding experts, we made many mistakes, but we utilized our AI’s support for methodology.
- This complex process requires advanced prompting techniques. Without Tree of Thought, we would not have succeeded.
- Looking critically at the results allowed us to adjust our strategy. We did not give up after the first or second setback.
- Designing a long prompt is an iterative process that requires time investment to enhance efficiency.
If you are wondering what our new brand name will be, you’ll have to wait a little bit. We don’t want to make it public before we have secured the domain name and the trademark. In the meantime, register to our newsletter to get the next use case in your mailbox.
The above answers were generated by gpt4-turbo, running on azure infrastructure, using our internal web application.
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At System in Motion, we are on a mission to empower as many knowledge workers as possible. To start or continue your GenAI journey.
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