Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French)

Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French)

Sesame Asie Podcast Interview on AI (French)

AI in China in Spring 2023

In the Spring of 2023, Stephane Monsallier, Founder and CEO of System In Motion, was interviewed by Raphael Seghier for the podcast Sesame Asie. With 30 years of experience in technology, Monsallier discussed the impact of new AI technologies emerging in China since the country reopened its doors.

The business community is optimistic yet cautious about China’s economic growth. Everyone was taken by surprise by the release of ChatGPT, which has become a part of every conversation and event in Shanghai. In response, China quickly banned the usage and promotion of ChatGPT in order to favor the development of models built by Chinese corporations on a Chinese corpus.

AI Business Case

Stephane gradutated with a major in Artificial Intelligence in 1993. He shared on best practices around Natural Language AIs :

  • Beware : Do not feed your Company’s confidential information to publicly available models that use it to train themselves.
  • Specialize : Business domains such as Customer Service requires a more limited vocabulary and context, they don’t need the level of resources and work required from generalist Natural Language AIs.
  • Integrate : ChatGPT is impressive, but it is an empty eggshell. As a Business you can feed your own knowledge between the encoding of the user prompt and the generation of the response.
  • Professionalize : OpenAI has proven that AI models are strong enough to conquer the market. A more silent revolution is to make them production ready. Platforms such as Dataiku ensures that they are stable and able to serve the business for years after going live. It is the milestone that System In Motion was looking for to widely offer AI to ist clients.

How will AI Hack China ?

We can expect to see drastic improvements in translation. While it will make easier to approach for foreign entrepreneurs, it will make understanding and navigating the culture even more central to succes in this country.


The full interview in French is available here:

Sesame Asie Interview

We are Here to Help

At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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