
Unlocking the Power of AI: A Recap of Our Recent Training Sessions Unlocking the Power of AI: A Recap of Our Recent Training Sessions

Unlocking the Power of AI: A Recap of Our Recent Training Sessions

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a two-day training session on generative AI, in partnership with Bencham, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. The event was designed to demystify AI and provide practical insights into its application in business.

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AI Training in Collaboration with Founders Breakfast AI Training in Collaboration with Founders Breakfast

AI Training in Collaboration with Founders Breakfast

In the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the role of continuous learning and collaboration cannot be overstated. System in Motion, an AI consulting company known for its innovative solutions, recently had the privilege of partnering with the Founders Breakfast community on an exciting learning day (January 16th, 2024).

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CCI CIO Club - GPT Presentation and Debate - Shanghai CCI CIO Club - GPT Presentation and Debate - Shanghai

CCI CIO Club - GPT Presentation and Debate - Shanghai

As the adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) technology rises in large companies, IT managers are facing a unique set of challenges and concerns. Although GenAI holds immense potential to streamline operations and drive innovation, it also introduces new complexities in terms of management, security, and control.

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Remote Work - Foundation for a Digital Workplace Remote Work - Foundation for a Digital Workplace

Remote Work - Foundation for a Digital Workplace

As the workplace becomes increasingly digital due to the pandemic, new ways of communication and collaboration are emerging every day. These investment can be a financial burden or a strategic opportunity.

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