Online Training Level 2 April 25th 2024

Online Training Level 2 April 25th 2024
500 CNY

Online Training Level 2 April 25th 2024

Level 2: Unleashing Potential with Chain of Thoughts

Elevate your AI skills to the next level with our Chain of Thoughts training. This Level 2 program delves into leveraging LLM’s strategic analysis capabilities through the innovative use of chain of thoughts and exmaples. This optimize AI results without the need for extensive datasets. You’ll engage in practical sessions that allow you to apply these concepts directly, enhancing your ability to influence AI behavior and outcomes effectively.

Training Level 2 1h30

  • Level 2 advanced technics

  • Practice session

  • Level 5 preview

Level 2 Training Date:

April 25th, 2024 8h-9h30 SHA 10h-11h30 SYD April 24th, 2024 17h-18h30 SF

Language: English

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

We are Here to Help

At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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