TimeVallée - Luxury Clienteling to Increase Engagement


TimeVallée - Luxury Clienteling to Increase Engagement

Although SIM is in the IT business, their approach starts from understanding your business challenges to come up with the optimized IT solution for it. I could always feel their efforts to build a long-term relationship and to put your challenges at the heart of their proposal.

Vissakha Ham – CRM Manager of TIMEVALLEE

TimeVallée Background

As the world’s leading luxurious watch distributer, founded under the Richemont group, TimeVallée is a retail concept store started with the ambition to provide the finest timepieces to both emerging and mature markets through a delightful store experience that goes beyond the traditional retail norms by combining heritage and craftsmanship with sophisticated, technology-driven experiences.

A Retail Concept Backed by Smart Digital Journey

TimeVallée is continuously innovating and improving the retail customer journey by leveraging the power of experience and technology, catering to the daily changing needs and habits of consumers around the world.

Our Project with TimeVallée

In 2018, With the opening of it’s 7th boutique in China – the Beijing boutique, TimeVallée was ready to launch a new digital initiative in their sales ceremony to further improve their in-store customer experience by leveraging the power of technology.

Digital Sales Support and Centralized Source of Information

With the goal of further enhancing their luxury retail experience, TimeVallée decided to build a centralized single database of information, along with a mobile digital tool to assist the Sales Assistants efficiently capturing information as well as retrieving desired information for their customers real-time during the sales ceremony.

Flexibility and Scalability

Together with System in Motion, TimeVallée managed to built a powerful and secure digital foundation that is flexible and scalable for any future developments catering to growing and changing business needs. With overall data architecture designed with the joint efforts by both System in Motion and TimeVallée, TimeVallée will be able to plug in or unplug any new digital online or offline tools without risks of causing any data discrepancy. They will be able to work with any vendors with the minimum amount of integration and communication workload with lean and smart TimeVallée data structure standard. System in Motion also helped TimeVallée enable flexible configuration capability in their system catering to different configuration requirements/needs.

Consolidated View of the Business

System in Motion assisted TimeVallée with building a consolidated and holistic view of online and offline sales performances at their boutiques worldwide, while providing monitored, organization/role-based accesses to their operators to support daily sales, marketing and strategy decision-making.


  • Mobile app for SA to collect offline consumer data & communicate with consumer with through O2O channels and automated task management functions
  • Organization based operator and boutique management system
  • Agile ESB connection with any data platform to securely manage data flows between platforms

Major Phases

  1. Process Mapping
  • Identify key processes, differences between labs, propose alignment. Review service master data, propose a structure, assist in alignment.
  • Review workflows, suggest automation.
  1. Design and Build
  • Detailed specifications: processes, workflows, data security access, data model.
  • Build application, training plan.
  1. Roll-out
  • Train key users on-site, collect feedback, adjust processes, extend coverage.
  • Rollout support to other boutiques, help to align processes, collect feedback, guarantee consistency between sites.
  • Design & implement additional features based on boutique feedbacks.
  • Rollout to boutique in other countries.

Rolled-out Boutiques

  • Beijing, China
  • Xi’an, China
  • Barcelona, Spain

We are Here to Help

At System in Motion, we are committed to building long-term solutions and solid foundations for your Information System. We can help you optimize your Information System, generating value for your business. Contact us for any inquiry.

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